August 20, 2019 BCC Meeting

BCC Meeting Agenda

Download the e-agenda of the next Board of County Commissioner’s (BCC) Meeting. The e-agenda for each BCC meeting is usually available online on the Thursday before the meeting.

Below is a summary of upcoming agenda items pertaining to District 5 and/or County-wide. Click on the numbered links to be sent to the Comptroller’s website for more information on the item, along with attachments of more documentation.

There are some great organizations we are working with, such as Harbor House and Victim Services Center. As well as contracts with Florida University, UCF and Rollins College to help build our workforce. There are Mayor’s reappointments for top level positions. There will be a vote in the morning to decide on what the board wants our county lobbyists to advocate for on the Federal and State levels. We will also have a discussion on Golf Cart regulations in a new possible ordinance and what services the Metropolitan Bureau of Investigation provides to the county.

As always, we do have a time before the meeting starts for Public Comment. If you would like to talk on an item that is not in a Public Hearing, please arrive at 8:30 AM to sign up to talk. The meeting takes place at 201 South Rosalind Ave., Orlando, FL 32801.

Morning Session

  • 19-1259 Confirmation of the County Mayor’s staff reappointments for the third quarter, April – June FY 2018-2019. (Human Resources Division) – Yolanda Brown, Manager, Fiscal and Operational Support, Community and Family Services – Deodat Budhu, Manager, Roads and Drainage, Public Works – Carrie Fydenkevez Mathes, Manager, Procurement, Administrative Services – Mitchell Glasser, Manager, Housing and Community Development, Planning, Environmental, and Development Services – David Gregory, Manager, Solid Waste, Utilities – Reed Knowlton, Manager, Fiscal and Operational Support, Administrative Services – Anne Kulikowski, Director, Administrative Services – Julie Naditz, Manager, Highway Construction, Public Works – Renzo Nastasi, Manager, Transportation Planning, Planning, Environmental, and Development Services – Kurt Petersen, Manager, Office of Management and Budget, Administration and Fiscal Services – Joel Prinsell, Deputy County Attorney, Legal Department, County Administration – Teresa Remudo, Deputy Director, Utilities – Anthony Rios, Division Chief, Infrastructure and Ass
  • 19-1260 Approval and execution of Affiliation Agreement between Orange County, Florida and The Florida State University Board of Trustees related to Experiential Learning Placement Program  with a term ending December 31, 2019, and authorization for the Mayor or designee to execute any amendments to this Agreement. (Human Resources Division)
  • 19-1261 Approval and execution of Affiliation Agreement between Orange County, Florida and the University of Central Florida Board of Trustees related to Experiential Learning Placement Program with a term ending December 31, 2023, and authorization for the Mayor or designee to execute any amendments to this Agreement. (Human Resources Division)
  • 19-1262 Approval and execution of Affiliation Agreement between Orange County, Florida and Rollins College related to Experiential Learning Placement Program with a term ending December 31, 2019, and authorization for the Mayor or designee to execute any amendments to this Agreement. (Human Resources Division)
  • 19-1283 Approval of Amendment No. 1, Contract Y19-2001, Family Counseling Position in Support of the Bithlo/Christmas Neighborhood Center for Families (NCF), with Aspire Health Partners, Inc., in the amount of $53,756, for a revised total contract amount of $577,511. ([Community and Family Services Department Citizens’ Commission for Children Division] Procurement Division)
  • 19-1284 Approval of Amendment No. 1, Contract Y19-2031, Prevention and Outreach Program, with Victim Service Center of Central Florida, Inc., in the amount of $54,735, for a revised total contract amount of $291,446. ([Community and Family Services Department Citizens’ Commission for Children Division] Procurement Division)
  • 19-1285 Approval to award Human Service Contracts for Children’s Services, Y19-2000 Series Fiscal Year 2019-2020, for various services, in the total amount of $4,318,273.84 for a 1-year term. Further request authorization for the Procurement Division to renew the contracts for two additional 1-year terms. ([Community and Family Services Department Citizens’ Commission for Children Division] Procurement Division)
  • 19-1291 Acceptance of University of Florida’s appointment of Dr. John W. Roberts as Orange County Extension Agent I, Residential Horticulture/Master Gardener Coordinator. All Districts. (Cooperative Extension Division)
  • 19-1294 Approval and execution of Agreement between Harbor House of Central Florida, Inc. and Orange County, Florida for Early Victim Engagement Team Project Services for a period of one year to continue to provide services for domestic violence victims.
  • 19-1296 Approval and execution of Resolution of the Orange County Board of County Commissioners regarding the adoption of a process and standards of review to award the Local Government Areas of Opportunity Funding. All Districts. (Housing and Community Development Division)
  • 19-1302 Approval of 2020 Legislative Priorities. (Legislative Affairs Office)
  • 19-1304 Approval and execution of Resolution of the Orange County Board of County Commissioners regarding Orange County Local Housing Assistance Plan under the State Housing Initiatives Partnership Program for State Fiscal Years 2018-2019, 2019-2020, and 2020-2021. All Districts. (Housing and Community Development Division)
  • 19-1305 Metropolitan Bureau of Investigation Overview.
  • 19-1306 Golf Carts on Public Rights of Way. All Districts. (Traffic Engineering Division)

Afternoon Session

  • 19-1307 July 18, 2019 Planning and Zoning Commission Recommendations (Contains Properties in District 5)
  • 19-1308 August 1, 2019 Board of Zoning Adjustment Recommendations (Contains Properties in District 5)

Public Hearings

  • 19-1161 Shoreline Alteration/Dredge and Fill Michael and Cheryl Meads, Lake Burkett, permit, SADF # 19-05-009; District 5
  • 19-1077 Planning and Zoning Commission Appeal James R. Morrison, Florida Manufactured Home Sales, LLC, Case # RZ-19-06-015; District 5