Table of Contents

Connect with Commissioner Emily Bonilla
INSTRUCTION BLOCK Change the XX below to the number of what this edition is. If you can’t remember, go to the list of email campaigns and find the last newsletter to find out what number we left off at.
Welcome to the XXth edition of the Newsletter!
I am honored to serve the people of Orange County District 5. From College Park to Christmas, our office is here to represent your interests. We are working tirelessly to meet with as many constituents and community groups as possible in order to learn about your concerns and priorities first-hand. We encourage you to stay informed and voice your opinions as we move forward to improve the quality of life in our district.

Here are where the “Noteworthy” items go.
Noteworthy items are those events or accomplishments that we want to share that had happened since the last newsletter.
The items to use will be found at this link in ClickUp labeled as “Noteworthy Items” or having a tag “noteworthy”.
You will also need to provide an image. You can search for an image on the internet, create one in Canva, or use one that we had already created.
There are 6 spaces below. We will work to keep it 6 or less. If it is less, delete the other blocks that are not needed.
Summarized steps:
1) Add the image
2) Add the description of the noteworthy item
3) Delete any unused blocks
Visit our timeline to see many of our past accomplishments for District 5.

Input caption text here. Use the block’s Settings tab to change the caption position and set other styles.

Input caption text here. Use the block’s Settings tab to change the caption position and set other styles.

Input caption text here. Use the block’s Settings tab to change the caption position and set other styles.

Input caption text here. Use the block’s Settings tab to change the caption position and set other styles.

Input caption text here. Use the block’s Settings tab to change the caption position and set other styles.

Input caption text here. Use the block’s Settings tab to change the caption position and set other styles.
Case Closed!
Find a constituent case that was successfully closed to showcase here.
Search ClickUp for a case that is tagged “case closed”.
Use a picture that staff may have provided or create a picture to use.
Provide a description of what the case was about and how it was successfully handled.
Input caption text here.
If you have an issue that needs to be resolved, use our contact form and we will connect you with the right people and resources.
District 5 Videos
Provide a video from our YouTube channel of our videos since the last newsletter. Here is the YouTube Channel link:
You can watch our videos on the YouTube Channel or special content only available on our Roku Channel where you will find full episodes of the Emily Tells All talk show and bonus segments.
Subscribe to the YouTube Channel to not miss any videos and Install the “Emily Tells All” channel on your Roku.
Important Updates and Information
This section is where we place important updates and information that is really important to get out to our constituents. We should keep it below 4 items. Search emails and social media posts that we release for anything that would fit this category.
Input caption text here. Use the block’s Settings tab to change the caption position and set other styles.
Input caption text here. Use the block’s Settings tab to change the caption position and set other styles.
Input caption text here. Use the block’s Settings tab to change the caption position and set other styles.
Input caption text here. Use the block’s Settings tab to change the caption position and set other styles.
Past Community Events
The Past Community Events section is where we place a picture and short description of an event the Commissioner hosted, attended or was part of. These can be found on our Facebook page at
Input caption text here. Use the block’s Settings tab to change the caption position and set other styles.
Input caption text here. Use the block’s Settings tab to change the caption position and set other styles.
Input caption text here. Use the block’s Settings tab to change the caption position and set other styles.
Input caption text here. Use the block’s Settings tab to change the caption position and set other styles.
Upcoming Events
Please click on the Event Title to find more details about the event.
Upcoming Events is where you place the image for promoting the event.
Image: This image should be the same that is used in Facebook events.
Title: Enter the title of the event and link it to the event page on this website.
DON’T FORGET to add ALL upcoming events!
Title of Event
Title of Event
District 5 Torchbearer
Torchbearer: a person who leads or inspires others in working toward a valued goal
The image and text block below this one is the only block you will have to edit.
Check the survey responses at to see if anyone submitted a nomination.
Then check with the Commissioner to approve the nomination.
You will then contact the person who is nominated for their bio and an image to use. With this information write up a short story about them and why they are being nominated. The reason for nomination is for contributing to their community.
Add the image and story to the image/text block below this one.
Leave in the other blocks, do not delete or edit them. They are to explain what the Torchbearer is and how to nominate more people.
If there are no nominations, delete the image/text block below this one, but leave the others in the email so that others can still make nominations with the link.
Input caption text here. Use the block’s Settings tab to change the caption position and set other styles.
Do you know a person or organization who is an Orange County District 5 Torchbearer? Nominate them to be featured in our email newsletter.
Updates from Past BCC Meeting
The block below contains a date. This date needs to be changed to the last BCC meeting date. The list of meetings can be found at where you can locate the last date.
09/28/21 BCC Meeting
Below is a custom HTML block. You will need to the “embed code” for the previous BCC meeting video in this HTML block.
Video Embed Code: Go to the comptroller’s website at and search for the BCC meeting date. At the far right of the list are the video links. Click on the video link and make sure it goes to the video of the correct date you are looking for. Below the video, there is a word that says “Embed”. Click on “Embed”. A couple of lines down, you will see a gray box that says, “Copy this html to embed into your page”. Copy the code and paste it into the HTML block at our website.
The block below has 3 links that need to be updated.
“Watch the Board of County Commissioner’s (BCC) Meeting” is linked to the same video URL that is used above.
“download the minutes” at the link where all the meetings are listed, you will find a pdf link to the minutes on the row of the meeting you are searching for. This pdf link is the link you will use.
“e-agenda” at the link where all the meetings are listed, you will find a link that says “meeting details”. This is the link that you will use.
Watch the Board of County Commissioner’s (BCC) Meeting or download the minutes. After the meetings, the e-agenda is updated with the results of the votes.
Update the date below to the next BCC meeting date.
Upcoming 10/12/21 BCC Meeting

The information for the block below will not be available until the afternoon on the Thursday prior to the next upcoming BCC meeting.
There is one link below that needs updating.
“View the e-agenda” go to and use the “meeting details” link on the row of the upcoming BCC meeting for the link.
View the e-agenda of the next Board of County Commissioner’s (BCC) Meeting. The e-agenda for each BCC meeting is usually available online on the Thursday before the meeting.
As always, we do have time before the meeting starts for Public Comment, and for Public Hearings there is also an opportunity to speak. For more information and how to sign up to speak, please go to
This meeting will start at 9 AM for the morning session and 2 PM for the afternoon session.
Below are a couple of highlighted agenda items. Click on the agenda number to learn more about the item.
Replace the list below with the new items.
Consent Agenda
- 21-1135 Approval of Agreement between Orange County, Florida and The Florida State Lodge Fraternal Order of Police, Inc. Lieutenants (B-Unit) Fiscal Years 2020-21 through 2022-23 FY 21 & 22 Re-opened Articles, Article 17 – Leave, Article 18 – Wages for Fiscal Years 2021-22 through 2022-23, Article 19 – Work Day, Work Period, Pay Period and Extra Duty, Article 22 – Health and Welfare Programs and Insurance, and Article 31 – Duration of Agreement. (Human Resources Division)
- 20-1280 Approval and execution of ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA and ORLANDO ECONOMIC PARTNERSHIP, INC. Grant Agreement relating to Base Realignment & Closure Threat Mitigation to Modeling, Simulation & Training Industry and authorization to disburse $25,000 as provided in the FY 2019-20 adopted budget. (Office of Economic, Trade and Tourism Development)
- 20-1281 Approval and execution of Partial Assignment and Agreement Regarding Certain Rights and Obligations Arising from Florida Job Growth Infrastructure Grant Agreement No. G053 by and between Universal City Development Partners, Ltd., and Orange County. District 6. (Office of Economic, Trade and Tourism Development)
Discussion Agenda
- 20-1370 Presentation of 2020 Charter Review Commission Final Report.
- 20-1374 Census 2020 Update. (Community Action Division)
- 20-1375 COVID-19 Update.
Work Session Agenda
- 20-1376 Gotha Lakes Watershed Management Plan.
BZA Recommendations
- 20-596 September 3, 2020 Board of Zoning Recommendations. There is 1 case in District 5.
Public Hearings
- 20-1185 Preliminary Subdivision Plan Rick V. Baldocchi, AVCON, Inc., Harrell Oaks Planned Development / Harrell Oaks Subdivision Preliminary Subdivision Plan, Case # PSP-19-12-431; District 3 & 5
- 20-1183 Development Plan Michelle Heatherly, Demetree Global, Collegiate Village Planned Development / Collegiate Village CVC – West Parcel Development Plan, Case # DP-19-12-419; District 5
Upcoming Land Use Cases in District 5

You can find a list of upcoming land use cases and the dates for their community meetings and public hearings at this link:
In The News

In the section below, you will search for news stories from the date of the last time this was researched for the last newsletter to today’s date that you are working on this.
1. Search in Google using “emily bonilla”.
2. Cick on “News”
3. Click on “Tools” to open the tools options
4. Change the date to the custom options to enter the dates from the date of the last time this was researched for the last newsletter to today’s date that you are working on this.
5. Search the results for news stories for “Commissioner” Emily Bonilla.
When you find the news stories, you will update the template below with the news story title linked to the story and a quote from Emily Bonilla or mention of her. You get the link and quote by clicking on the news story to open it.
- Orange County officials: Developers need to pay more for transportation: “The developers have had it really good,” Commissioner Emily Bonilla said, unpersuaded by the pleas. “The developers, they’re out having a good time on their million-dollar-plus yachts while our working poor [are] struggling because our government has been giving away discounts…So it’s about time we start charging them 100% of the transportation impact fee.”
- Title of News Article with Link: Quote/Mention
- Title of News Article with Link: Quote/Mention
- Title of News Article with Link: Quote/Mention
COVID-19 Information

For updates on the numbers, public service announcements, and resources, please visit We do our best to keep this up to date and translated into Spanish.