
District 5 Newsletter 11/12/2021

email newsletter banner that contains the emily bonilla government logo

Connect with Commissioner Emily Bonilla

Welcome to the 71st edition of the Newsletter!

I am honored to serve the people of Orange County District 5. From College Park to Christmas, our office is here to represent your interests. We are working tirelessly to meet with as many constituents and community groups as possible to learn first-hand about your concerns and priorities. We encourage you to stay informed and voice your opinions as we move forward to improve the quality of life in our District.


image saying results period

Visit our timeline to see many of our past accomplishments for District 5.

graphic showing the percentage of orange county residents that are vaccinated
the number one

Orange County Ends State of Emergency Order

It seems we have turned a corner in this pandemic! Mayor Demings allowed the Orange County State of Emergency Order to expire on October 27th after favorable COVID-19 positivity and vaccination rates. Masks will still be recommended indoors and more COVID testing/vaccination info can be found at the bottom of the newsletter. Orange County had been in the State of Emergency for 19 months.

map picture showing the project area for the bithlo water main extension

Extending Water Services to Bithlo

On October 25th, the Utilities Department and I delivered a presentation to the community of Bithlo regarding a Water Main Extension! Phase 1 West will extend service to 337 parcels in SW Bithlo, south of SR 50 and west of N. 3rd St. After lobbying for utility infrastructure for years, I am grateful that the American Rescue Plan Act funding made this project possible! More updates and project phases to come!

The number 3

Emily Tells All” Introduces Spanish Closed Captioning

As part of my ongoing effort to include all swaths of our District 5 community, I am using Rev services to add Spanish closed captioning and subtitles to “Emily Tells All”. Bienvenidos mi gente Latina! Catch the latest episodes here!

Case Closed!

before and after picture of a constituent's drainage ditch

Recently, a constituent who experienced flooding on his property requested that we inspect the problem. Maintenance of the ditch proved to be difficult because of a high water line. Even so, our Roads and Drainage team was able to make multiple visits to the site and clean up his culvert to decrease the amount of flooding! Thank you to the entire Public Works team!


If you have an issue that needs to be resolved, use our contact form and we will connect you with the right people and resources.

District 5 Videos

You can watch our videos on the YouTube Channel or special content only available on our Roku Channel where you will find full episodes of the Emily Tells All talk show and bonus segments.

Subscribe to the YouTube Channel to not miss any videos and Install the “Emily Tells All” channel on your Roku.

Important Updates and Information

Support Using TDT Funds for Transit and Housing

Representative Eskamani recently filed HB6075, which would provide counties like Orange with greater flexibility in how their tourist development tax revenues can be spent. Tourists are paying for their impact but it should go towards improving our quality of life in Orlando! Sign Orlando YIMBY‘s petition here.

cartoon picture of houses and a road with streetlights
flyer containing career online high school website and orange county library system logo

Career Online High School for Adults

The Orange County Library System is participating in Career Online High School, an online schooling program geared for adults of all ages! The library is granting scholarships so adult students can gain their high school diploma and a career certificate from the comfort of their homes!


1. Click the link above

2. Click Get Started button at the top

3. Select Orange County Library System

4. Fill out the survey

Emergency Rental Assistance Program

Orange County has disbursed millions in ERA funds to residents who lost income due to COVID-19. Applicants are being encouraged to apply if months of prospective rent were not covered the first time around. If you are behind on rent, consider turning in an application today.

flyer for the orange county emergency rental assistance program
older couple smiling

Take this Age-Friendly Survey

Orange County Government has a growing older population with more than 228,000 diverse residents age 60 and older. To ensure we are creating livable communities, OC has joined the AARP Network of Age-Friendly States and Community and has launched its own “Age-Friendly Orange County Initiative.” Take the survey here.

Past Events

map showing existing traffic conditions and road grades

North East Orange County Areawide Transportation Study Meeting – 11/1

I am pleased to announce the first NEOCATS community meeting was a success! The extensive Transportation Planning study covered environmental analysis, existing traffic conditions, and future improvement projects. Watch the meeting here.

Redistricting Meeting #7 – 11/1

The 7th Redistricting Advisory Committee for Redistricting took place in District 3 at Colonial High School. Several maps were presented and discussion over a fair redistricting process was extremely productive. Make sure to stay tuned in to the upcoming meetings!

flyer for the seventh redistricting meeting in orange county

project overview, dog smiling, picture of proposed dog park in wedgefield

Wedgefield Dog Park Community Meeting – 11/2

Citizens in Wedgefield lobbied me for a dog park and I was more than happy to deliver! We partnered with Parks and Rec Manager, Matt Suedmeyer, to present the plans for a new dog park in District 5. We were grateful to hear specific concerns and a delightful positive response from the community! You can expect the dog park to come to fruition at the end of 2022!

District 5 Neighborhood Advisory Council Meeting – 11/3

The D5 NAC came together on Zoom to debrief and move forward on their two workgroup projects, preserving environmentally sensitive lands east of the Big Econ River and reimagining development in the UCF Corridor! Submit a policy idea or form submission if you would like to learn more!

district 5 neighborhood advisory council logo

Upcoming Events

2021 Veterans Day Parade

Flag and lettering celebrating veterans day 2021

Hosted by the City of Orlando, this year’s parade will feature the Mayor’s Veterans Advisory Council and local veterans. I ask you to join me in honoring those who sacrificed in service of our great country! The opening ceremony will take place at Orange Avenue near Central Boulevard. The parade will begin at Robinson Street and Orange Avenue, turning left on Central Boulevard, left on Rosalind Avenue, and ending at Robinson Street.

LOCATION: Robinson St. and Orange Ave.

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 13th, 2021 FROM 11:00 A.M. – 1:00 P.M.

Redistricting Advisory Meeting #9

flyer for the orange county redistricting meeting including date, time, and how to join

Join us for our ninth public advisory meeting for redistricting and our first meeting in District 5! The meeting will be held at Goldenrod Recreation Center (4863 N. Goldenrod Road, Winter Park, FL 32792). The committee will be reviewing the proposed maps.

Residents can attend in-person or stream the meeting on OrangeTV airing on Spectrum 488, Comcast 9, Centurylink 1081, WSWF channel 10.2, as well as online on Orange County’s Facebook, and

Learn more about the redistricting process, meeting dates, and how to submit a public comment by visiting

LOCATION: 4863 N. Goldenrod Road, Winter Park, FL 32792

MONDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2021 AT 6:30 PM

Land Use Public Hearings at the BCC

flyer showing commissioner bonilla's face and date and time of public land use hearings

Here are the following District 5 land use cases to be heard on November 30th at the BCC. (In Order)

1. Substantial ChangeCase # CDR-21-02-060
Applicant: Larry Poliner, RCE Consultants, LLC, Corner Lake Planned Development /
Land Use Plan (PD/LUP), amend the plan

2. Board of Zoning Adjustment Appeal Case # SE-21-04-008
Appellant: Loan & Raymond Windish
Applicant: Amit Shah for Vaishnav Sangh of USA, October 7, 2021

3. Comp Plan / Adoption of Text Amendment and Ordinance Creating a Property Rights Element in the Comprehensive Plan, as required by HB 59 (2021), amending Sec. 163.3177, Florida Statutes; Countywide
Text amendment to Future Land Use Element Policy FLU8.8.2, delegating authority to the County Planning Manager or his/her designee to assign a privately initiated or staff-initiated
Comprehensive Plan amendment application to the appropriate regular cycle or small-scale development review

See the BCC Agenda here:…/eagenda.aspx

LOCATION: 201 S. Rosalind Avenue, Orlando FL 32801


Redistricting Advisory Meeting #10

Join us for our tenth public advisory meeting for redistricting in Orange County. The meeting will be held at Barnett Park in District 6. The Committee will be selecting which maps will be discussed at the public hearing.

Residents can attend in-person or stream the meeting on OrangeTV airing on Spectrum 488, Comcast 9, Centurylink 1081, WSWF channel 10.2, as well as online on Orange County’s Facebook, and at

Learn more about the redistricting process, meeting dates, and how you can submit a public comment by visiting

LOCATION: 4801 W Colonial Dr, Orlando FL 32808


Redistricting Advisory Meeting #11

Join us for our eleventh public advisory meeting for redistricting in Orange County. The meeting will be held at Barnett Park in District 6. The Committee will be selecting which maps will be discussed at the public hearing.

Residents can attend in-person or stream the meeting on OrangeTV airing on Spectrum 488, Comcast 9, Centurylink 1081, WSWF channel 10.2, as well as online on Orange County’s Facebook, and at

Learn more about the redistricting process, meeting dates, and how you can submit a public comment by visiting

LOCATION: 4801 W Colonial Dr, Orlando FL 32808


D5 NAC December Meeting

Join the District 5 Neighborhood Advisory Council, which has taken unified action to identify community issues and provide solutions! Monthly virtual meetings with public comment available. 



District 5 Torchbearer

Torchbearer: a person who leads or inspires others in working toward a valued goal

Do you know a person or organization who is an Orange County District 5 Torchbearer? Nominate them to be featured in our email newsletter.

Updates from Past BCC Meeting

11/9/21 BCC Meeting

Watch the Board of County Commissioner’s (BCC) Meeting or download the minutes. After the meetings, the e-agenda is updated with the results of the votes.

Upcoming 11/16/21 BCC Meeting

BCC Meeting Agenda photo with commissioner bonilla's face on it

View the e-agenda of the next Board of County Commissioner’s (BCC) Meeting. The e-agenda for each BCC meeting is usually available online on the Thursday before the meeting.

As always, we do have time before the meeting starts for Public Comment, and for Public Hearings there is also an opportunity to speak. For more information and how to sign up to speak, please go to

This meeting will start at 1:30 PM for the afternoon session.

Below are a couple of highlighted agenda items. Click on the agenda number to learn more about the item.

Consent Agenda

  • 21-1377 – Approval and execution of Orange County, Florida and Black Business Community Development Corporation FY 2022 Grant Agreement and authorization to disburse $152,847 as provided in the FY 2021-22 adopted budget. (Office of Economic, Trade and Tourism Development)

Discussion/Work Session Agenda

  • None

Public Hearings

  • 21-1252 – PTV 21-08-044 Tom Perley, on behalf of TJ Perley Revocable Trust, vacate portions of a utility easement; District 3
  • 21-1312 – Enacting New Orange County Code, Chapter 25, Article XII, relating Commercial Property Assessed Clean Energy (C-PACE) Program(s); All Districts

Upcoming Land Use Cases in District 5

Upcoming land use cases in district 5 banner

You can find a list of upcoming land use cases and the dates for their community meetings and public hearings at this link:

There are NO Upcoming Land Use Cases for 11/16/2021.

See Upcoming Land Use Cases for 11/30/2021 here.

COVID-19 Information


For updates on the numbers, public service announcements, and resources, please visit We do our best to keep this up to date and translated into Spanish.