June 2, 2020, BCC Meeting

BCC Meeting Agenda

See the e-agenda of the next Board of County Commissioner’s (BCC) Meeting. The e-agenda for each BCC meeting is usually available online on the Thursday before the meeting.

As always, we do have time before the meeting starts for Public Comment. This will be available in person, or by email. You can find out how to provide comment at https://www.orangecountyfl.net/BoardofCommissioners/BoardAppearanceandpubliccomment.aspx#.XppXRFNKgWo

For Public Hearings at 9 AM, there is also an opportunity to speak. You must show in person for these comments. The meeting takes place at 201 South Rosalind Ave., Orlando, FL 32801.

This meeting will start at 9 AM.

Below is a summary of upcoming agenda items pertaining to District 5 and/or County-wide. Click on the numbered links to be sent to the Comptroller’s website for more information on the item, along with attachments of more documentation.

Consent Agenda

  • 20-753 Confirmation of the Mayor’s managerial appointment of Assistant Chief Lauraleigh Avery as Manager, Office of Emergency Management and Division Chief, Orange County Fire Rescue Department.
  • 20-757 Reappointment of Michael P. Strayhorn to the Pine Hills Local Government Neighborhood Improvement District Advisory Council in the Mayor’s representative category with a term expiring June 30, 2023. (Agenda Development Office)
  • 20-759 Confirmation of the appointment of Melissa Lopez Rogers as the Mayor’s representative on the Membership and Mission Review Board with a term expiring December 31, 2020. (Agenda Development Office)
  • 20-763 Approval and execution of Resolution of the Orange County Board of County Commissioners regarding delegation of authority to the manager of the Parks and Recreation Division to execute Business Permit Agreements for the use of county boat ramps.
  • 20-786 Approval and execution of Department of Justice (DOJ) Office of Justice Programs Bureau of Justice Assistance Grant Award Number: 2020-VD-BX-0659 in the amount of $1,157,721 for the BJA FY 20 Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funding Program for the period of January 20, 2020 to January 31, 2022 and authorization for the County Mayor or designee to approve any increases or decreases in the award amount. (Drug Free Office)
  • 20-788 Approval and execution of Proportionate Share Agreement for Creative World School University Boulevard and Dean Road by and between Dean Property Development, LLC and Orange County for a proportionate share payment in the amount of $171,404. District 5. (Roadway Agreement Committee)

Discussion Agenda

  • 20-800 Approval to establish the haulers compensation rates as listed, set the MSBU rate at $245 for Program Year 2021, and authorization to include the Tentative Mandatory Refuse Collection Rate of $245 on the 2020 Notice of Proposed Taxes. All Districts. (Solid Waste Division)

Work Session

  • 20-801 Capacity Enhancement Agreements.
  • 20-802 2020 Hurricane Season Update.
  • 20-803 COVID-19 Update.

BZA Recommendations

  • 20-804 May 20, 2020 Board of Zoning Adjustment Recommendations. There are 2 District 5 items.

Public Hearings

  • 20-637 Substantial Change Christy David, IA Orlando Suncrest Village, LLC (FKA Inland American Orlando Suncrest Village LLC), Pegasus Place Planned Development / Land Use Plan (PD / LUP), Case # CDR-19-11-371, amend plan; District 5