June 23, 2020, BCC Meeting

BCC Meeting Agenda

See the e-agenda of the next Board of County Commissioner’s (BCC) Meeting. The e-agenda for each BCC meeting is usually available online on the Thursday before the meeting.

As always, we do have time before the meeting starts for Public Comment. This will be available in person, or by email. You can find out how to provide comment at https://www.orangecountyfl.net/BoardofCommissioners/BoardAppearanceandpubliccomment.aspx#.XppXRFNKgWo

For Public Hearings at 2 PM, there is also an opportunity to speak. You must show in person for these comments. The meeting takes place at 201 South Rosalind Ave., Orlando, FL 32801.

This meeting will start at 9 AM.

Below is a summary of upcoming agenda items pertaining to District 5 and/or County-wide. Click on the numbered links to be sent to the Comptroller’s website for more information on the item, along with attachments of more documentation.

Consent Agenda

  • 20-827 Confirmation of the Mayor’s managerial appointment of Isiah M. White, Jr. as Manager, Security Division, Orange County Convention Center.
  • 20-832 Reappointment of Luis A. Cordero to the Pine Hills Local Government Neighborhood Improvement District Advisory Council in the Pine Hills Safe Neighborhood Partnership representative category with a term expiring June 30, 2023. Note: This will be a third term for Mr. Cordero and will require a supermajority vote of the Board of County Commissioners. (Agenda Development Office)
  • 20-861 Approval and execution of Contract for Donation of Real Property by and between Orange County, Florida and Lendsey D. Phillips, approval of Warranty Deed from Lendsey D. Phillips to Orange County, and authorization to perform all actions necessary and incidental to closing for MPH Ft Christmas Donation. District 5. (Real Estate Management Division)
  • 20-866 Approval of Florida Department of Children and Families Criminal Justice, Mental Health, and Substance Abuse Reinvestment Grant Program Program Status Report Implementation and Expansion Grants final report Grant Number: LHZ51 from the period of April 1, 2017 through March 31, 2020. (Mental Health and Homelessness Issues Division)
  • 20-868 Authorization to pay the one-time CARES Act funding financial assistance of $1,000 per household directly to residents impacted by Covid-19 instead of making the payment to the resident’s vendor. (Citizen Resource and Outreach Division)
  • 20-870 Approval and execution of Subrecipient Agreement between Orange County, Florida and Habitat for Humanity Greater Orlando and Osceola County, Inc. for a subaward of $264,000.00 related to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Community Planning and Development Community Development Block Grant Program for the specific purpose of administering the Roof Replacement Program. All Districts. (Housing and Community Development Division)
  • 20-872 Approval and execution of Proportionate Share Agreement for Chabad at UCF Alafaya Trail by and between Chabad at UCF, Inc. and Orange County for a proportionate share payment in the amount of $118,776. District 5. (Roadway Agreement Committee)

Discussion Agenda

  • 20-879 Reappointment to the Orlando Community Redevelopment Agency Advisory Board.
  • 20-880 Appointment to the Town of Eatonville Community Redevelopment Agency.
  • 20-881 Reappointment to the Winter Park Community Redevelopment Agency.
  • 20-885 Commissioner Bonilla would like to discuss proposed referendum language for a one-year rent freeze.

Work Session

  • 20-886 Scientific Technology Engineering and Mathematics Workforce Development Initiatives. (Innovation and Emerging Technology Office)
  • 20-887 COVID impacts on the OCCC Campus Master Plan Projects.

Planning and Zoning Commission Recommendations

  • 20-888 May 21, 2020 Planning and Zoning Commission Recommendations

Board of Zoning Adjustment Recommendations

  • 20-889 June 4, 2020 Board of Zoning Adjustment Recommendations

Work Session

  • 20-890 Transportation Impact Fee Study. (Transportation Planning Division)