May 05, 2020, BCC Meeting

BCC Meeting Agenda

See the e-agenda of the next Board of County Commissioner’s (BCC) Meeting. The e-agenda for each BCC meeting is usually available online on the Thursday before the meeting.

As always, we do have time before the meeting starts for Public Comment. This will be available in person, or by email. You can find out how to provide comment at

For Public Hearings at 1:30 PM, there is also an opportunity to speak. You must show in person for these comments. The meeting takes place at 201 South Rosalind Ave., Orlando, FL 32801.

This meeting will start at 1:30 PM.

Below is a summary of upcoming agenda items pertaining to District 5 and/or County-wide. Click on the numbered links to be sent to the Comptroller’s website for more information on the item, along with attachments of more documentation.

Consent Agenda

  • 20-642 Approval and execution of Florida Job Growth Infrastructure Grant Agreement State of Florida Department of Economic Opportunity Amendment One DEO Agreement No.: G0053 to extend the construction commencement date from June 1, 2020, to September 30, 2020. (Office of Economic, Trade and Tourism Development)
  • 20-647 Ratification of Emergency Purchase Order M100541, Emergency Temporary Occupancy Agreement, with AD1 Orlando Hotels, LLC, in the amount of $199,898. ([Community and Family Services Department Mental Health and Homelessness Division] Procurement Division)
  • 20-648 Approval and execution of Agreement for Sale and Purchase by and among Robert Wayne Harrod, as Trustee of Unrecorded Trust dated February 6, 2012, River Key Corporation, and Orange County, and Declaration of Restrictive Covenants from Orange County, Florida to Department of Environmental Protection, approval of Special Warranty Deed from Robert Wayne Harrod, as Trustee of Unrecorded Trust dated February 6, 2012, and River Key Corporation to Orange County, delegation of authority to the Manager of the Real Estate Management Division to exercise all delegations of authority expressly provided for by the Agreement for Sale and Purchase, and authorization to disburse funds to pay purchase price and closing costs and perform all actions necessary and incidental to closing for Orange County Historic Little Econ. District 5. (Real Estate Management Division)
  • 20-649 Approval and execution of Temporary Construction Easement between 6790 Hanging Moss Road LLC and Orange County, approval of Purchase Agreement between 6790 Hanging Moss Road LLC and Orange County, Subordination of Encumbrance to Property Rights to Orange County from Iberiabank, successor-by-merger to Sabadell United Bank, N.A, and Subordination of Encumbrance to Property Rights to Orange County from Flowers Baking Co. of Bradenton, LLC, and authorization to disburse funds to pay purchase price and recording fees and record instruments for East-West Road (SR 436 to Dean Road) n/k/a Richard Crotty Parkway. District 5. (Real Estate Management Division)
  • 20-652 Approval of purchase of lands available for taxes and Tax Deed Issuance Information Sheet and authorization to disburse funds to pay total fees and costs and to perform all actions necessary and incidental to purchase lands available for taxes for Orange County Acres Environmental Land. District 5. (Real Estate Management Division)
  • 20-654 Authorization to apply for supplement funds in the estimated amount of $627,828 through an Application for Federal Assistance related to Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act, FY 2019-2020, which will be used to operate a Summer Program from July 1, 2020 through July 30, 2020 at designated Head Start sites. (Head Start Division)
  • 20-656 Approval of Orange County Head Start Application for Federal Assistance related to Quality Improvement FY 2019-2020 in the estimated amount of $408,576; approval of additional one-time funds, as a part of the Coronavirus Aid Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, which will be used to prevent, prepare, and respond to the pandemic; and approval and execution of (1) Certification of Filing and Payment of Federal Taxes and (2) Employee Compensation Cap Compliance Assurance. An in-kind match of $102,144 is required. (Head Start Division)
  • 20-661 Approval and execution of Zebra Coalition® Collaborative Partnership Agreement between Orange County and the Zebra Coalition® Inc. (Drug Free Office)
  • 20-662 Approval to accept the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Part A COVID-19 Response Grant Award in the amount of $398,820 for the period of April 1, 2020 through March 31, 2021 and authorization for the County Mayor or designee to approve any increases or decreases in the award amount. No county match is required. (Fiscal and Operational Support Division)
  • 20-664 Approval of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Cooperative Agreement Grant No. (FAIN): PM-01D05820-0 between the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Orange County in the amount of $70,554, with an initial award amount of $35,000 and subject to availability of funds from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, relating to support of ambient air monitoring for fine particulate matter and authorization for the Environmental Protection Division Manager to make non-substantial amendments to the agreement, including additional service periods. The grant period is April 1, 2020 through March 31, 2022. All Districts. (Environmental Protection Division)
  • 20-668 Approval of “No Parking” signs installation at the pump station driveways located at 7143 Hoffner Avenue, 9209 Valencia College Lane, and 3120 Patel Drive. Districts 3 and 5. (Traffic Engineering Division)
  • 20-669 Approval of “No Parking” signs installation along the curves on both sides of Stonebriar Way. District 5. (Traffic Engineering Division)
  • 20-670 Approval and execution of School Impact Fee Agreement regarding an Alternative Impact Fee Calculation for Alta at Health Village #19-005 by and among Alta at Health Village Associates, LLP; City of Orlando; The School Board of Orange County, Florida; and Orange County. District 5. (Traffic Engineering Division)

Discussion Agenda

  • 20-675 Community Action Division Update. (Community Action Division)

Public Hearings

  • 20-288 Ordinance Enacting Orange County Code, New Section 29-58, affecting use of public boat ramps and associated recreational areas and facilities (Continued from March 10, and 24, 2020) (For Board decision only. No Public Comment)