September 22, 2020, BCC Meeting

BCC Meeting Agenda

See the e-agenda of the next Board of County Commissioner’s (BCC) Meeting. The e-agenda for each BCC meeting is usually available online on the Thursday before the meeting.

As always, we do have time before the meeting starts for Public Comment and for Public Hearings there is also an opportunity to speak. For more information and how to sign up to speak, please go to

This meeting will start at 9 AM for the morning session and 2 PM for the afternoon session.

For detailed information on the agenda items summarized above, you may click the links below.

Consent Agenda

  • 20-1280 Approval and execution of ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA and ORLANDO ECONOMIC PARTNERSHIP, INC. Grant Agreement relating to Base Realignment & Closure Threat Mitigation to Modeling, Simulation & Training Industry and authorization to disburse $25,000 as provided in the FY 2019-20 adopted budget. (Office of Economic, Trade and Tourism Development)
  • 20-1281 Approval and execution of Partial Assignment and Agreement Regarding Certain Rights and Obligations Arising from Florida Job Growth Infrastructure Grant Agreement No. G053 by and between Universal City Development Partners, Ltd., and Orange County. District 6. (Office of Economic, Trade and Tourism Development)
  • 20-1287 Approval of Resolution of the Orange County Board of County Commissioners regarding amendments to the Sustainability Advisory Board.
  • 20-1288 Approval of the Membership and Mission Review Board’s recommendations for advisory board appointments and reappointments. (Agenda Development Office) A. Affordable Housing Advisory Board: Reappointment of Angela Y. Thomas in the banking or mortgage banking industry representative category, Lucie Ghioto in the not-for-profit provider of affordable housing representative category, Zoe Colon in the Orange County resident representative category, and Kevin Fitzpatrick Jr. in the for-profit provider of affordable housing representative category with terms expiring June 30, 2022; the appointment of Mohammed N. Abdallah to succeed Jaja J. Wade in the local planning agency representative category with a term expiring June 30, 2022; and the appointment of Ernesto Gonzalez-Chavez to succeed Elizabeth Badillo in the residential home building industry representative category with a term expiring June 30, 2021. B. Agricultural Advisory Board: Appointment of William F. Gouveia to succeed Taylor Morgan in the equine industry representative category with a term expiring December 31, 2020. C. A
  • 20-1289 Approval of Regular Employee Pay Plan Structure FY 2020-21, Salary Increase and Implementation Plan effective October 4, 2020, and Personal Leave Sell Program. (Human Resources Division)
  • 20-1294 Approval and execution of Service Funding Agreements between Orange County, Florida and the Seniors First, Inc. ($95,418), Orange County Bar Association, Inc. ($102,228), and Legal Aid Society of the Orange County Bar Association, Inc. ($1,292,357) Fiscal Year 2020-2021. (Office of Management and Budget)
  • 20-1310 Approval of Contract Y20-1098, Permanent Supportive Housing, with Homeless Services Network of Central Florida, Inc., in the contract award amount of $2,300,000 for a one-year term. ([Community and Family Services Department Mental Health and Homelessness Issues Division] Procurement Division)
  • 20-1311 Approval of Contract Y21-109-MV, Rapid Re-housing, with Homeless Services Network of Central Florida, Inc., in the contract award amount of $1,470,000 for a one-year term. ([Community and Family Services Department Mental Health and Homelessness Issues Division] Procurement Division)
  • 20-1314 Approval of Amendment No. 5, Contract Y16-2054, Prenatal Care, with Florida Department of Health in Orange County, in the amount of $95,000, for a revised total contract amount of $475,000. ([Health Services Department Fiscal and Operational Support Division] Procurement Division)
  • 20-1315 Approval of Amendment No. 8, Contract Y17-1078E, Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) Program, with Miracle of Love, Inc., in the amount of $200,000, for a revised total contract amount of $1,812,940. ([Health Services Department Fiscal and Operational Support Division] Procurement Division)
  • 20-1316 Approval of Amendment No. 5, Contract Y17-1088-LC, Short Term Residential Program for Adult Victims of Human Trafficking, with Aspire Health Partners, Inc., in the amount of $375,000, for a revised total contract amount of $1,500,000. ([Community and Family Services Department Youth and Family Services Division] Procurement Division)
  • 20-1317 Approval of Amendment No. 2, Contract Y19-2005, Homeless Services Programming, with Coalition for the Homeless of Central Florida, Inc., in the amount of $150,000, for a revised total contract amount of $566,495. ([Community and Family Services Department Citizens’ Commission for Children Division] Procurement Division)
  • 20-1348 Accept the findings and recommendations of the Environmental Protection Commission and approve the request for waiver to Orange County Code, Chapter 15, Article IX, Section 15-342(b) to increase the allowable terminal platform size from 874 square feet to 1,104 square feet with the payment of $675 to the Conservation Trust Fund within 60 days of the decision of the Board of County Commissioners, and approve the after-the-fact request for variance to Section 15-342(d) to decrease the minimum floor elevation from one foot to 0.06 foot above the Normal High Water Elevation of Lake Irma with the condition that the applicant enter into a Hold Harmless and Indemnification Agreement with Orange County for the Phillips Dock Construction Permit BD-20-01-008. District 5. (Environmental Protection Division)
  • 20-1351 Accept the findings and recommendation of the Environmental Protection Commission and uphold the revocation of Dock Construction Permit No. BD-19-09-103, and require that the Permittee remove the portion of the dock extending onto the Hornes’ property and provide an as-built survey showing the dock is in compliance with Orange County Code, Chapter 15, Article IX within 60 days of the decision of the Board of County Commissioners, or provide acceptable documentation that demonstrates the Permittee has legal access to the Hornes’ property in accordance with Section 15-341(b)(3), for the Nora De Arrigoitia Logan Dock Construction Permit BD-19-09-103. District 5. (Environmental Protection Division)
  • 20-1359 Approval and execution of Proportionate Share Agreement for Bank and Fast-Food Project East Colonial Drive by and between RAM Holding Group, LLC. and Orange County for a proportionate share payment in the amount of $48,645. District 5. (Roadway Agreement Committee)
  • 20-1360 Approval and execution of Agreement for Traffic Law Enforcement on Private Roads by and between Orange County, Florida, and (Home Dynamics Heartwood LLC) for Hartwood at Lake Louise. District 5. (Development Engineering Division)

Discussion Agenda

  • 20-1370 Presentation of 2020 Charter Review Commission Final Report.
  • 20-1374 Census 2020 Update. (Community Action Division)
  • 20-1375 COVID-19 Update.

Work Session Agenda

  • 20-1376 Gotha Lakes Watershed Management Plan.

BZA Recommendations

  • 20-596 September 3, 2020 Board of Zoning Recommendations. There is 1 case in District 5.

Public Hearings

  • 20-1185 Preliminary Subdivision Plan Rick V. Baldocchi, AVCON, Inc., Harrell Oaks Planned Development / Harrell Oaks Subdivision Preliminary Subdivision Plan, Case # PSP-19-12-431; District 3 & 5
  • 20-1183 Development Plan Michelle Heatherly, Demetree Global, Collegiate Village Planned Development / Collegiate Village CVC – West Parcel Development Plan, Case # DP-19-12-419; District 5
  • 20-1165 Comprehensive Plan Transmittal of the 2020-2 Out of Cycle Regular Cycle Staff-Initiated Map and Text Amendments to the 2010-2030 Comprehensive Plan Out-Of-Cycle Regular Cycle Staff-Initiated Map And Text Amendments Amendment 2020-2-C-CP-1 Text and map amendments to update the Comprehensive Plan to remove the Alternative Mobility Area (AMA) to reflect the updated tiered Transportation Impact Fee Assessment areas: Urban, Suburban, and Rural; Countywide
  • 20-1179 Ordinance/Comprehensive Plan Amending Orange County Code, adopting 2020-2 Out-of-Cycle Regular Cycle Staff-Initiated Amendments to the 2010-2030 Comprehensive Plan (CP), and Adoption of Ordinance Out-Of-Cycle Regular Cycle Staff-Initiated Text Amendments Amendment 2020-2-C-PSFE-1 Text amendment to Public Schools Facilities Element Policy PS6.3.1 addressing the ability of the Board to consider school overcrowding when reviewing certain rezoning and comprehensive plan amendment requests; Countywide
  • 20-1180 Out-Of-Cycle Regular Cycle Staff-Initiated Text Amendments Amendment 2020-2-C-FLUE-2 Text amendment to Future Land Use Element Policy FLU8.2.5.1 to not require a rezoning for properties with inconsistent Zoning and Future Land Use Map designations when the proposed use is single-family detached residential; the Zoning’ and Future Land Use Map designations are both residential; and the lot is a Lot of Record or has been legally subdivided; Countywide
  • 20-1181 Out-Of-Cycle Regular Cycle State-Expedited Review Comprehensive Plan Amendments Ordinance Amending Orange County Code, adopting 2020-2 Out-of-Cycle Regular Cycle Amendments to the 2010-2030 Comprehensive Plan (CP), adopting amendments pursuant to Section 163.3184(3), F.S.
  • 20-1271 Affordable Housing Trust Fund Plan Pertaining to the Affordable Housing Trust Fund Plan for 2020-2022 to include priority strategies, annual budget requirements, and program administration. All Districts
  • 20-1263 Resolution Adopting a Water System Charge Schedule to include specification for compound meter billing and FY 2021 rates; All Districts
  • 20-1264 Resolution Adopting a Wastewater and Pollution Control Charge Schedule to include specification for compound meter billing and FY 2021 rates; All Districts
  • 20-1265 Ordinance Amending Orange County Code, Chapter 23, Impact Fees, Article IV, Pertaining to Transportation Impact Fees.
  • 20-1080 Adopt final Orange County Library District Millage and Budget for Fiscal Year 2020-2021