July 28th, 2020, BCC Meeting

BCC Meeting Agenda

See the e-agenda of the next Board of County Commissioner’s (BCC) Meeting. The e-agenda for each BCC meeting is usually available online on the Thursday before the meeting.

As always, we do have time before the meeting starts at 9 AM for Public Comment. This will be available in person, or by email. You can find out how to provide comment at https://www.orangecountyfl.net/BoardofCommissioners/BoardAppearanceandpubliccomment.aspx#.XppXRFNKgWo

For Public Hearings at 2 PM, there is also an opportunity to speak. You must show in person for these comments. The meeting takes place at 201 South Rosalind Ave., Orlando, FL 32801.

Below is a summary of upcoming agenda items pertaining to District 5 and/or County-wide. Click on the numbered links to be sent to the Comptroller’s website for more information on the item, along with attachments of more documentation.

For detailed information on the agenda items summarized above, you may click the links below.

Consent Agenda

  • 20-1002 Confirmation of the Mayor’s managerial appointment of Humberto Castillero, P.E., as Manager, Traffic Engineering Division, Public Works Department.
  • 20-1061 Approval and execution of Proportionate Share Agreement for Epoch Aloma Aloma Avenue from Tangerine Avenue to Seminole County Line and Semoran Boulevard to Tangerine Avenue by and between Epoch Aloma, LLC and Orange County for a proportionate share payment in the amount of $158,080. District 5. (Roadway Agreement Committee)

Discussion Agenda

  • 20-1067 FY 2021 State of the Arts and Budget Recommendations from the Arts and Cultural Affairs Advisory Council. (Arts and Cultural Affairs Office)
  • 20-1071 (1) Approval and authorization for Mayor or designee to execute funding suggestions at the maximum amounts presented by staff; and (2) Delegation of signature authority to Mayor or designee to enter into funding agreements with designated agencies and execute any related modifications or amendments to such agreements provided that the funding agreements, related modifications or amendments have been approved by the County Attorney’s Office, Risk Management Division and County Administration. (Fiscal and Operational Support Division)

Work Session

  • 20-1072 Parking Enforcement.
  • 20-1073 Proposed Amendments to Orange County Code relative to Pedestrian Safety/Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards and Amendments to Public Works Department Administrative Code. (Planning and Transportation Division)
  • 20-1074 COVID-19 Update.

Planning and Zoning Commission Recommendations

  • 20-1075 June 18, 2020 Planning and Zoning Commission Recommendations. There are 2 District 5 items.

BZA Recommendations

  • 20-015 July 2, 2020 Board of Zoning Adjustment Recommendations. There are 1 District 5 items.

Public Hearings

  • 20-816 Land Use Plan Amendment Michelle Heatherly, Demetree Global, Collegiate Village Planned Development (PD), Case # LUPA-19-11-394; District 5
  • 20-822 Planning and Zoning Commission Rezoning Board-Called Kathy Hattaway, Poulos & Bennett, LLC, Case # RZ-19-11-055; February 20, 2020; District 5
  • 20-814 Rezoning Neel Shivcharran, Galleon Consulting Group, LLC, Old Cheney Townhomes Planned Development (PD), Case # LUP-19-06-225; District 5
  • 20-989 Ordinance Amending Orange County Code, Chapter 23, pertaining to impact fees economic development incentives;
  • 20-893 Ordinance/Comprehensive Plan Amending Orange County Code, adopting 2019-2 Continued Privately-Initiated Small-Scale Development Amendment to the 2010-2030 Comprehensive Plan (CP), and where applicable Concurrent Rezoning Request and Adoption of Ordinance Privately-Initiated Small Scale Development Future Land Use Map Amendment Amendment 2019-2-S-5-4 Tom Sullivan for Winter Park Prime Properties, LLC Low-Medium Density Residential (LMDR) to Commercial (C) (south 1.085 ac.); District 5
  • 20-894 Rezoning RZ-19-10-041 R-1A (Single-Family Dwelling District) to C-1 (Retail Commercial District) (south 1.085 ac.) and R-1A (Single-Family Dwelling District) to R-2 (Single-Family Dwelling District) (north 0.664 ac.)
  • 20-895 Small-Scale Development Ordinance Amending Orange County Code, adopting 2019-2 Small-Scale Development Amendment to the 2010-2030 Comprehensive Plan (CP), adopting amendments pursuant to Section 163.3187, F.S.
  • 20-995 Transmittal of the 2020-2 Out of Cycle Regular Cycle Staff-Initiated Text Amendments to the 2010-2030 Comprehensive Plan Out-Of-Cycle Regular Cycle Staff-Initiated Text Amendment Amendment 2020-2-C-PSFE-1 Text amendment to Public Schools Facilities Element Policy PS6.3.1 addressing the ability of the Board to consider school overcrowding when reviewing certain rezoning and comprehensive plan amendment requests
  • 20-996 Out-of-Cycle Regular Cycle Staff-Initiated Text Amendment Amendment 2020-2-C-FLUE-2 Text amendment to Future Land Use Element Policy FLU8.2.5.1 to not require a rezoning for properties with inconsistent Zoning and Future Land Use Map designations when the proposed use is single-family detached residential; the Zoning and Future Land Use Map designations are both residential; and the lot is a Lot of Record or has been legally subdivided.