November 12, 2019, BCC Meeting

BCC Meeting Agenda

See the e-agenda of the next Board of County Commissioner’s (BCC) Meeting. The e-agenda for each BCC meeting is usually available online on the Thursday before the meeting.

As always, we do have time before the meeting starts for Public Comment and for Public Hearings there is also an opportunity to speak. Please arrive at 8:30 AM to sign up to talk before the morning session. The meeting takes place at 201 South Rosalind Ave., Orlando, FL 32801.

This meeting will start at 9 AM for the morning session and 2 PM for the afternoon session.

For detailed information on the agenda items, you may click the links below.


  • Proclamation designating November 12, 2019, as Terry Delahunty Day

Consent Agenda

  • 19-1679 Confirmation of the Mayor’s managerial appointment of Claudia Yabrudy as Manager, Fiscal and Operational Support Division, Health Services Department.
  • 19-1784 Confirmation of the Mayor’s appointments of Joseph C. Kunkel, P.E. as Director, Public Works Department and Diana Almodovar, P.E. as Deputy Director, Public Works Department.
  • 19-1683 Approval of the Membership and Mission Review Board’s recommendations for advisory board appointments. (Agenda Development Office) A. Commission on Aging: Appointment of Javecia C. Colston to succeed Dr. Carmel Munroe in the active caregiver representative category with a term expiring June 30, 2020, and Gloria J. Harris to succeed Kinda Haddad in the at large representative category with a term expiring June 30, 2021. B. M/WBE Advisory Committee: Appointment of Jo K. Newell to succeed Christine I. Parrish in the at large representative category with a term expiring June 30, 2021. C. Nuisance Abatement Board: Appointment of Raymond E. Rios to succeed Nicole C. Soltau-Woods in the at large representative category with a term expiring January 1, 2021. D. Orange Blossom Trail Development Board: Appointment of Charles Sasser to succeed Emmett O’Dell in the Orange County representative category with a term expiring January 14, 2021.
  • 19-1685 Approval to sunset the Tobacco/Nicotine Surcharge effective December 31, 2019. (Human Resources Division)
  • 19-1687 Approval to disburse CRA funds totaling $50,704,943 to Orange County’s 15 Community Redevelopment Agency Areas. (Office of Management and Budget)
  • 19-1692 Approval of proposed revised Administrative Regulation No.: 6.14, titled “Auditor Selection and Oversight.
  • 19-1701 Approval to award Invitation for Bids Y19-700-CH, North Fort Christmas Road Safety Improvements Project – FPN: 437458-1-58-01 FAN: D518-008-B, to the low responsive and responsible bidder, Southern Development & Construction, Inc. The estimated contract award amount is $933,000. ([Public Works Department Engineering Division] Procurement Division)
  • 19-1703 Approval to award Invitation for Bids Y19-778-CH, Alafaya Trail Sidewalk Improvements, to the low responsive and responsible bidder, Parthenon Construction Company. The estimated contract award amount is $501,224.65. ([Public Works Department Engineering Division] Procurement Division)
  • 19-1730 Approval of Drainage Easement from Jeffrey Bruce Pohlig and Holly Anne Pohlig, as Co-Trustees of The Pohlig Family Trust UTA Dated October 26, 2010, to Orange County and authorization to record instrument for Lake Waunatta Drive Relocation of Drainage Pipe & Outfall 18-E-025. District 5. (Real Estate Management Division)
  • 19-1734 Approval and execution of Interagency Agreement between The Circuit 9 Department of Children and Families Substance Abuse and Mental Health Program Office and Orange County, Florida (Amendment 1) regarding the Youth Mental Health Management Network Consortium. (Mental Health and Homelessness Division)
  • 19-1747 Approval and execution of First Amendment Right-of-Way and Proportionate Share Agreement for Heartwood Right-of-Way for Lake Pickett Road Improvements and Proportionate Share Contribution for Chuluota Road from Colonial Drive to Lake Pickett Road by and between Home Dynamics Heartwood, LLC and Orange County due to a change of ownership and a minor increase in impact fee creditable right-of-way to be conveyed. District 5. (Roadway Agreement Committee)
  • 19-1753 Authorization to record the plat of Eagle Creek PD Phase 2A-3 Tract H. District 5. (Development Engineering Division)
  • 19-1761 Approval and execution of (1) Federally-Funded Subaward and Grant Agreement Agreement Number: H0285 Project Number: 4337-204-R by the State of Florida, Division of Emergency Management, and Orange County and (2) Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act Instructions and Worksheet in the amount of $150,000 for Clay Street at Minnesota Avenue Traffic Signal Mast Arm Upgrade. A 25% project cost match in the amount of $50,000 is required. District 5. (Traffic Engineering Division)
  • 19-1767 Receipt of the following items to file for the record: (Clerk’s Office) a. Minutes of the October 9, 2019, Meeting in the Sunshine. County Mayor Jerry L. Demings and Commissioner Emily Bonilla met to discuss Community Comprehensive Plan Amendments. b. City of Orlando Voluntary Annexation Request – 2900 S. Delaney Street – ANX2018-10022. Notice of Proposed Enactment. Proposed Ordinance #2019-51, entitled an Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Orlando, Florida, annexing to the corporate limits of the city certain land generally located north of Oak Estates Drive, East of South Orange Avenue, South of E. Pineloch Avenue and West of S. Osceola Avenue, and comprised of 0.34 acres of land, more or less, and amending the City’s boundary description; amending the City’s adopted Growth Management Plan to designate the property as Office-Low Intensity on the City’s Official Future Land Use Maps; designating the property as the Low-Intensity Office Residential with the specially planned area Overlay District for Orange and Michigan special plan area on the City’s official zoning
  • 19-1768 Approval and execution of Orange County, Florida and Black Business Investment Fund, Inc. FY 2020 Grant Agreement and authorization to disburse $152,847 as provided in the FY 2019-20 adopted budget. (Office of Economic, Trade and Tourism Development)
  • 19-1769 Approval and execution of Orange County, Florida and Hispanic Business Initiative Fund of Florida, Inc. FY 2020 Grant Agreement and authorization to disburse $139,049 as provided in the FY 2019-20 adopted budget. (Office of Economic, Trade and Tourism Development)
  • 19-1770 Approval and execution of 1) Agreement for Economic Development Services Orlando Economic Partnership, Inc. and Orange County Fiscal Year 2019-2020 and authorization to disburse $681,899 as provided in the FY 2019-20 adopted budget; 2) Orange County, Florida and Orlando Economic Partnership, Inc. Agreement related to an Industrial Development Authority Fiscal Year 2019-2020; and 3) Orange County, Florida and Orlando Economic Partnership, Inc. Agreement for Branding and Marketing and authorization to disburse $500,000 as provided in the FY 2019-20 adopted budget. (Office of Economic, Trade and Tourism Development)
  • 19-1771 Approval and execution of Orange County, Florida and University of Central Florida Research Foundation, Inc. FY 2020 Grant Agreement and authorization to disburse $811,824 as provided in the FY 2019-20 adopted budget. (Office of Economic, Trade and Tourism Development)

Discussion Agenda

  • 19-1775 MetroPlan Orlando Board Meeting Briefing. (Transportation Planning Division)
  • 19-1776 District 3 – Code Enforcement and Excessive Growth of Grass, Weeds, and Brush

PZC Recommendations

  • 19-1778 October 17, 2019 Planning and Zoning Board Recommendations

Public Hearings

  • 19-1498 Board of Zoning Adjustment Board-Called Florida Engineering Group, Inc., Case # SE-19-09-105, September 5, 2019; District 5 (Continued from November 12, 2109)
  • 19-1490 Rezoning Chris Dougherty, S&ME, Inc., Wise Colonial PD, Case # LUP-19-03-088; District 5 (Continued from November 12, 2019)
  • 19-1491 Rezoning Bryan Potts, Tannath Design Inc., Rouse Road Townhomes PD, Case # LUP-18-11-386; District 5
  • 19-1492 Rezoning Khaled Hussein, Harrell Oaks PD, Case # LUP-19-02-074; Districts 3 & 5
  • 19-1620 Regular Cycle Staff-Initiated Map and Text Amendments Amendment 2019-2-B-FLUM-2 (fka 2019-2-A-5-1) Map Amendment to the Future Land Use Map to change the designation for a Green PLACE property from Rural/Agricultural (R) to Preservation (PRES); District 5